Posted in Archive, november

Today’s Thoughts

My jaw is still in spasm, which is really rather painful. However on the positive side of things, my medication, has really helped and my spasms in my right arm and leg have not been that bad these last few days. The pain in jaw can get rather intense and this tends to cause me to have a Non Epileptic Seizure. I am getting better at identifying when I am going to have a seizure. This means that I am able to inform someone, like my mother, seconds beforehand. This is a huge step and a big positive, as it means that whoever is with me, can try to prevent me from injuring myself during in a seizure. I am hoping that I will hear from the consultant soon, so I can get treatment for my jaw, which in turn should hopefully mean that my seizures will disappear again.

The path my life has taken, at this moment in time, is not one I would have chosen for myself. You would have to be fairly crazy to want to have Dystonia. However I accept that for now Dystonia is part of me, and I cannot magically make it disappear. Dystonia is one of those conditions that on some days is fine and does not play up that much, on other days, it is a gigantic pain.

I am so thankful to my family, friends, and all the many people who contact me to support me. They are all amazing and help me stay strong on my bad days. They help me laugh my way through the spasms, and make sure I don’t hurt myself to much during my seizures. I really don’t know how I would have coped with Dystonia without all these wonderful people in my life!


I'm 30 years old, a mother, author, partner, and spoonie. I live alongside Dystonia, POTS, EDS, Osteoarthritis, and a dictionary worth of other diagnoses. This little blog has been set up to help spread awareness and bring light to these conditions and connect warriors with others who can understand each other's experiences.

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